Saturday, 1 March 2014

Exhibitions - Work in Progress.

Work in Progress was an exhibition put on by level 6 Graphic Design. A group of us put ourselves forward to be part of the exhibition committee that would organise the exhibition by creating the space and deciding on themes and names that would be suitable.

The main aim of the exhibition was to show Graphic Design in a way that isn't usually portrayed in exhibitions. We as a course felt that it can sometimes be difficult to showcase work in this environment as usually graphic elements are more suited to real life environments rather than set up spaces. It was suggested by Amber that a successful way to show this in a new way would be to bring the real life to the exhibition and have the space as a working environment. It would be a place where members of the public could come and interact, therefore gaining a better understanding.

As a committee we arranged to meet to discuss the planning of the event and what we wanted to achieve. We visited the space when it was empty to get a feel of it and to determine certain things we could do within it. For example projections, vinyl stickers, and general set up. Another aspect that we decided as a group was that instead of an opening night that usually occurs for these events, we would have a closing night. We decided this as we felt it would be more relevant as at the end of the period all of the work done throughout the time would be up on the walls.

One of the main aspects of the exhibition was the time lapse video created by Greg. A go pro was put up in the corner of the space and showed the final two days of the exhibition and the process of pinning the work up. I feel this was a great success and really added to the atmosphere on the night. Its fun to see everyone interacting throughout the space and the progress as the time passes.

Although the overall process was a success, with a small group of us working within the space every day, due to the time period the exhibition took place not much practical work was produced. This meant that previous projects were used to be put up rather than current work.

Here are some photo's I took of the space once it had been filled with work. The tables and were set up to mimic our real studio as much as possible, with communal and individual work stations. There was also a cutting and crafting area with a guillotine and mats. A social area with seating and books and of course a space to make tea and coffee.

Video showed at the exhibition produced by Greg Ball:

Work In Progress from Greg Ball on Vimeo.

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