Thursday, 26 April 2012

Speaking From Experience Initial Ideas.

Message One:

  • Be Proactive
Five reason it needs to be delivered
  1. It will help people get more done.
  2. They will not regret not having done something.
  3. It will give a positive start.
  4. Once you get into the habit of it it will become easier and will be very beneficial.
  5. Make people try things they might not have.
Five ways it can be delivered
  1. Motivational Poster
  2. Diary
  3. Inspirational Website
  4. App
  5. Book
Message Two:
  • Be Organised
Five reasons it needs to be delivered
  1. To reduce stress.
  2. To get the the most out of your time.
  3. To get more done.
  4. To have planned times for outcomes.
  5. Good skill to learn for further life.
Five ways it can be delivered
  1. Diary
  2. Goals Checklist
  3. App
  4. Organisational Techniques Poster
  5. Personal Timeline
Message Three:
  • Be Confident
Five reasons it needs to be delivered
  1. Will help meet new people.
  2. Will help when delivering presentations.
  3. Give faith to ideas so you don't disregard them.
  4. Will get you more information in regard to asking questions.
  5. Less self doubt.
Five ways it can be delivered
  1. Positive manifesto poster
  2. Self help book
  3. Inforgraphic on positivity statistics
  4. Progress diary.
  5. App

Problem One:
  • Learning To Cook
Five reasons why it needs addressing
  1. So you don't starve.
  2. To get a balanced diet.
  3. To be healthy.
  4. Life skill.
  5. Social activity.
Five ways it can be addressed
  1. Cook book
  2. Recipe cards
  3. Poster on the benefits of eating healthily
  4. Website
  5. App
Problem Two:
  • Budgeting Money
Five reasons why it needs addressing
  1. So you don't run out of money.
  2. Good skill for the future when it becomes more serious.
  3. Makes it easier to plan.
  4. Less waste, get more out of your money.
  5. Gather savings.
Five ways it can be addressed
  1. Weekly calendar
  2. Money saving tips poster.
  3. Leaflet on where to but cheap things.
  4. Motivational poster on reasons to save.
  5. Cheap meals recipe book.
Problem Three:
  • Printing
Five reasons why it needs addressing
  1. It is stressful.
  2. Necessary for hand-ins.
  3. Slots can run out.
  4. Getting work completed beforehand.
  5. Can go wrong.
Five ways it can be addressed
  1. Timetable
  2. Reminder app
  3. Checklist
  4. Back up plan poster
  5. Booking system

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